Texto em inglês com áudio 10 – Muniba Mazari


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Texto em inglês com áudio para leitura

My son, his name is Nael.

He loves football.

And, when we got the very first football, he was 4 years old.

He was super excited.

I still remember when he came in the room and he said:

“Mom, let’s play football!”

And, he kept the ball in my feet.

“And he said, let’s kick it!”

And that day I felt disabled.

I said I cannot kick the ball.

And, I was down.

With the same face.

He looked at me and he said:

“Well, that’s alright. Your legs are not working, but your hands do!”

“Let’s play catch the ball!”

That day he made me realize that when you think your glass is half-empty, come on!

Your glass is half-full!

It’s all in here, and here!

Texto em inglês com áudio e tradução linha a linha

My son, his name is Nael.
Meu filho, seu nome é Nael.

He loves football.
Ele ama futebol.

And, when we got the very first football, he was 4 years old.
E, quando ganhamos a primeira bola, ele tinha 4 anos.

He was super excited.
Ele estava super animado.

I still remember when he came in the room and he said:
Eu ainda me lembro quando ele entrou na sala e disse:

“Mom, let’s play football!”
“Mãe, vamos jogar futebol!”

And, he kept the ball in my feet.
E, ele manteve a bola nos meus pés.

“And he said, let’s kick it!”

“E ele disse, vamos chutar!”

And that day I felt disabled.
E naquele dia eu me senti incapacitada.

I said I cannot kick the ball.
Eu disse que não posso chutar a bola.

And, I was down.
E, eu estava para baixo.

With the same face.
Com a mesma cara.

He looked at me and he said:
Ele olhou para mim e disse:

“Well, that’s alright. Your legs are not working, but your hands do!”
“Bem, está tudo bem. Suas pernas não estão funcionando, mas suas mãos sim”!

“Let’s play catch the ball!”
“Vamos jogar pegar a bola!”

That day he made me realize that when you think your glass is half-empty, come on!
Naquele dia ele me fez perceber que quando você pensa que seu copo está meio vazio, vamos lá!

Your glass is half-full!
Seu copo está meio cheio!

It’s all in here, and here!
Está tudo aqui, e aqui!

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